Fuel-agnostic power is included in a range of solutions for supporting the transition to zero emission jobsites at scale in the February edition of PBC Today, a leading publication serving a wide audience across the UK construction sector.
Answering the question of whether completely eliminating fossil fuels from construction sites is possible, the article discusses the challenges and opportunities offered by a variety of net zero solutions from battery storage to hydrogen.
Insights into the value of fuel-agnostic power for overcoming the cost and availability challenges to using renewable fuels at scale were provided by our expert team.
The following is an excerpt from the article.
"Hydrogen fuel cells generate electricity efficiently. However, their implementation is complex and costly. Alternatively, flameless combustion reactions offer a fuel-agnostic solution, utilising high-temperature exhaust heat recovery to produce pollutant-free power from any fuel. This allows flexibility in leveraging the most cost-effective and abundant renewable fuels, like hydrogen, providing a practical and environmentally friendly option. Protecting profit margins necessitates balancing sustainability and cost daily during the energy transition. This means sites can deploy fuel-agnostic generators at scale today and see immediate carbon sand pollution reduction benefits – much to the benefit of site teams, the environment and the local community, offering an alternative and lower-risk entry point for transitioning to a fossil fuel-free jobsite."
The full article is available to read on page 144 of the February edition of PBC Today, here.
To find out more about how fuel-agnostic power generation can accelerate the transition to renewable fuels at scale for your site, visit our technology page.