Automotive World, a leading publication which has been educating automotive and commercial vehicle industry stakeholders since 1992, has featured our CEO Toby Gill as he explores the role of fuel-agonistic generators for powering the transition to EV fleets.
In this article, Toby explains that the major barrier to scaling EV charging infrastructure comes down to distribution rather than generation. He highlights that in principle the UK’s electricity grid has more than sufficient capacity to service current and future EV charging demand, and that the challenges arise in the distribution of that power from the point it is generator to where it is needed.
Toby goes on to explain that for fleet managers of many businesses aiming to scale their electrification this translates into additional power generation, whether through expensive grid upgrades, or the deployment of onsite power solutions which can come with their own limitations.
With clean, on-demand power from any net-zero fuel, he highlights that not only do businesses have the energy security required to alleviate their risk in transitioning, but generating their own power opens revenue-stacking opportunities for businesses, incentivising the transition further still.
“The UK Government’s EV charging rollout strategy, for example, includes a focus on reducing perceived risk and dissuading range anxiety by installing the charging network that consumers “need to see” to encourage faster adoption of EVs. Similarly, businesses need flexible solutions that alleviate the ‘anxiety’ of not having the power required to charge their fleets if they are to start transitioning today […] Fuel-agnostic technologies can produce onsite, dispatchable power from any renewable fuel and mitigate the current risks hindering mass EV fleet rollout.”
Read the full article on Automotive World here.